On the Swedish CD Emigranten - A.P. Jansson (Jönsson), 35 years old, w. Albertina, 31 years old, d. Emma, 6 years old, s. Carl, 4 years old, d. Ullrika, 2 years old, and nephew C. Carlsson, 19 years old, are listed as leaving from the port of Göteborg on June 3, 1881, coming from Ljung parish, Östergötland county and they had a ticket for New York. Source code: 17:795:11818
According to the passenger lists in the Police Chamber of Göteborg vol. EIX:17:795:11818, the ship was "Orlando", destinated for Hull, England. The shipping agent was Frederick Nelson. The Orlando belonged to the Wilson Line of Hull. She sailed between Baltic and North Sea ports and Hull where passengers could board a train direct to Liverpool for transatlantic steamers. The Wilson Line, Hull, ran the traffic between Göteborg and Hull. As the agent was Frederick Nelson, our ancestors probably continued their journey from England to America on board an Inman Line ship.
To find the ship they arrived in America on one has to estimate on the date of arrival. It takes roughly three weeks from the time they leave Sweden.
They left Ljung parish, Östergötland, Sweden, 27 May 1881, for North America with their family of then 3 (and a pregnant wife Albertina). Landed in the U.S. around June 28, 1881, also stated - to Canton, SD 22 June 1881.

(Calvin Johnson has the original immigration document with Swedish and English translation below.)
Brukaren/Farmer Anders Peter Jönsson
och hans Hustru/and his Wife Albertina Gustafsdotter
blefvo vigad d 31/10 1873/got married on 31 October, 1873
was born 1835 (Trettiofem/Thirtyfive)
in Ljungs församling/parish
of Östergötl. Län 6 Maj/County the 6 of May
Har haft skyddskoppor/Has been vaccinated against smallpoxes
Läser innantill/Can read from a text: PASS
Kristendomskunskap/Knowledge of religion:
Bevistat förhören/Been present at the test:
Oförhindrad att begå H.H. Nattvard/Free to partake the Communion
Åtnjuter medborgerligt förtroende/Has a good reputation
was born 1849 (fyrtionio/fortynine)
in Stjernorps församling/parish
of Östergötl. Län 25 April/County on the 25 of April
Har haft skyddskoppor/Has been vaccinated against smallpoxes
Läser innantill/Can read from a text: CONSIDERABLE
Kristendomskunskap/Knowledge of religion
Bevistat förhören/Been present at the test:
Oförhindrad att begå H.H. Nattvard/Free to partake the Communion
Åtnjuter medborgerligt förtroende/Has a good reputation
Afflytta till/Moving to Norra Amerika/North Amercia
före mantalsskrifningen här till nästa år/before the registration here next year.
Betygas/Certified: Ljungs försmling af Östergötl. Län
den 27 Maj 1881 (Åttioett)/27 of May 1881 (Eightyone)
L.B. Frieberg
Reverend pto
Omstående Makar åtföljas härifrån av icke konfirmerade barn: /The Husband and Wife overleaf are accompanied by the not confirmed children:
Daughter Emma Petronella, born in Ljung on 31 May 1874, vaccinated
Son Carl Johan, born in Ljung 15 ? 1876, vaccinated
Daughter Ulrika Mathilda, born in Ljung 4 July 1879, vaccinated
L.E. Frieberg
Andrew became a U.S. citizen Nov. 3, 1888, registered through Clerk of the District Court for Lincoln County, Dakota Territory (as stated in his citizen of US papers in possession of Calvin Johnson)
12/2000 Calvin Johnson relayed these insights of the Johnsons:
Anders Peter Johnson was known as quite a gardener. Joe Johnson would take some of the produce into Sioux Falls coming in from the tea farm by buggy to sell when he was a young man. Dad (Calvin) said when he was a kid he went with his Dad (Joe) into Sioux Falls and stopped at the Lyon home down by now Lyon Park near the statue of David and post office and he remembers looking at the old cars in the garage there (Calvin always had a fascination with old cars) and the maid came out and told him it was time for lunch and Mrs. Lyons told Calvin she remembered his Dad coming in and selling vegetables to her when he was a young man.
Before marriage Anders Petter lived with his parents in cottage Slättmotorp in Ljung parish. He moved in 1854 to the farm Djupsjö in Ljung parish and worked for the farmer Bengt Jonsson. 1855 he moved to Tjällmo parish and came back to Ljung parish in 1859. He worked for farmers in the village Slättmon and 1860 he moved to Bänorp. There he was living and worked on a farm when he married Albertina. Albertina had lived together with her parents in the cottage Nybrofallet until she married. Together they were living in a cottage Fredriksberg that belong to the Bänorp farm in Ljung parish. Albertina and Anders Peter moved in 1874 to cottage Nysätter. In 1880 they move to Grönkulla. 1881 to N. America. They settled on a farm near Canton, Lincoln, SD in Dakota Territory in June 1881. In 1903 Andrew and Albertina, with 3 of their children (Carl, Lena, & Joe), moved to a farm near Tea, SD. Anders died 13 Sept 1920. Berniece Haas Long told me in 2002 that Albertina lived with her daughter Emma and John Long, probably after Anders died, until her death (14 Feb 1935). Although I have her death listed as in Lincoln Co., SD? They are buried at Grandview Covenant Cemetery, Rural Larchwood, IA.