An amazing view is available on line via Mesmerizing viewers around the globe, Mom and Dad Eagle are sitting on 3 eggs, due to hatch around April 1st. They are brought to people via The
Raptor Resource Project. The eagles are on a nest on private property next to a fish hatchery in Decorah. Check their camera out

I've been taking computer screen shots from the video on line. None of these photos are retouched or cropped. From time to time someone manipulates the camera remotely to get panned views of the area, the nest as well as closeups!
There is also an on going chat on line to join or read. People visit from across the states and I've seen entries from Europe and Australia.

These majestic birds take turns sitting on the 5-6 ft. wide nest. Mom is 30% bigger than Dad. She is thought to be about 7 or 8 yrs. old. Dad is about 12-15 years old and lost his first wife while sitting on a nest. Once she died, Dad was unable to hatch the eggs and get food, so abandoned the nest. All this is shared on a
PBS video, available on line called American Eagle. I highly recommend it.
I hope you check the Eagle Cam out, it's addicting!
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